13th-15th (Monday-Wednesday) Music Seninar - Elgin, IL.
26th (Sunday) 44th BIRTHDAY SUNDAY - Guest Speaker - Potluck dinner after am services.
16th (Sunday) Valentine Sunday - Guest Speaker - Potluck Dinner.
22nd (Saturday) All Day Youth Conference in Clinton, IL.
7th (Friday) BBCA Theatre 6:30 pm "Kingdom Chronicles"
at Biblical Baptist Auditorium.
8th (Saturday) BBCA Theatre 6:30 pm "Kingdom Chronicles"
at Biblical Baptist Auditorium.
19th-21st (Weds.-Fri.) BBCA P.I.L.O.T.S. Convention, Bourbonnais, IL.
25th-28th (Tues.-Fri.) BBCA Spring Break.
30th (Sunday) Evangelist Craig Bryan
11th-12th (Friday & Saturday) Ladies Meeting Dwight, IL.
13th (Sunday) Palm Sunday.
20th (Sunday) Easter Sunday.
21st-23rd (Mon. - Fri.) Revival Fires Conference, Bourbonnais, IL.
27th (Sunday) "Super-Preacher" Pastor Emeritus' 90th Birthday Celebration! Pot-luck and Birthday Cake after am services.
11th (Sunday) Mother's Day. Lunch after am services. Gifts for all Mothers.
16th-17th (Fri.-Sat.) BBCA Super Annual Plant Sale!
23rd-24th (Fri.-Sat.) BBCA Super Annual Plant Sale!
26th (Monday) Memorial Day Picnic at BBC.
29th-31st (Thurs. -Sat.) Men's Retreat, WI.
8th (Sunday)
- am services Honor all Church Graduates. All departments together.
- pm service BBCA Awards Night and Graduation.
15th (Sunday) Father's Day. Gifts for Father's. Lunch after the services.
4th (Friday) picnic at church (tentative).
3rd-5th (Thurs. - Sat.)
Kyte River Family Camp.
Kyte River Revival Campgrounds, Rochelle, IL.
14th-18th (Mon.-Fri.) Jr/Teen Combo Camp week. Kyte River Revival Campgrounds, Rochelle, IL.
27th (Sunday) Cookout after the am services and Fun Day!
4th-8th (Mon.-Fri) Football Camp. Dwight, IL.
26th (Tuesday) BBCA - First day of school.
31st (Sunday) Potluck Sunday.
1st (Monday) Labor Day picnic at BBC (tentative).
7th (Sunday) Grandparents Day.
7th-10th (Sun.-Weds) Annual SUPER PREACHING Conference!!!
28th (Sunday) Friend Day. Potluck after am services.
19th (Sunday) FALL FUN FEST! 1pm-3:30pm after am services.
PM service changed to 4:00pm with guest speaker.
23rd-25th (Thurs.-Sat. or Fri.-Sat. your choice)
Couple's Retreat, Lake Lawn, WI.
7th-8th (Fri.-Sat.) Men's Retreat. Camp Joy, Whitewater, WI
9th (Sunday) Honor Veteran's.
23rd (Sunday) Harvest Sunday. Potluck dinner after am services.
Harvest Day Video.
5th (Friday) Church-wide Christmas Decorating and Fellowship.
6th (Saturday) Dress rehearsal for Christmas Program 2:00 pm.
13th (Saturday) Dress rehearsal for Christmas Program 2:00pm.
14th (Sunday) Annual Christmas Program/Play. All departments together for the am 10:30 service.
21st (Sunday) 9:30 am Sunday School Class Pictures and Class parties.
24th (Wednesday) 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight service.
31st (Wednesday) 7:00 pm New Year's Eve service. Preaching, Singing, Communion. Snacks, food and fellowship time. Christian Film with the gospel. Testimony time and countdown to midnight & 2026!